I just assumed that I looked very graceful and sporty.
Turns I don't.
I had Andrew take some photos of me while I was playing, thinking I would have something to display proudly as in "See how cute and athletic I am?".
Well, now I'm thinking "See how hard I play? I mean business! This isn't about looking all cute and sporty, oh no, this is a serious game. "
Actual I don't take it very seriously (how can I when we've never actually, um, won a game?) but I do play to the best of my ability. I cheer my team on enthusiastically and I don't suck (as much as I used to)
Oh, and apparently I grimace a lot.

Ah well, it's still good fun.
As for our team standings, I do believe that we played our best game ever yesterday, at both half times we were actually in the lead. We scored actual goals We lost both games in the end and we are back in 8th (read: last) place again.
But all hope is not lost as we have one more game left to play, so there's still a (slim) chance we could actually win a game. Here's a wider shot of the field from the first time we played on this field. (Notice how all the girls on my team look graceful sporty and athletic?!)

Also kudos to Dan, who showed up to play last Sunday even though it was his Birthday.