For my Mum's last birthday we went to a buffet restaurant where everyone can find a little something that they like. My favorite part is, of course, the dessert. I try to have a little taste of everything and when I got to the ice cream section I scooped one scoop of lime sorbet and one scoop of orange sorbet. It was a delicious combination and as soon as I tasted it I knew it was something that Andrew would love. We have very very different taste in food, but I have a pretty good idea when I taste something if he will like it or not. I turned to Andrew to tell him that he would love this combination and he should go and get some. He tapped his bowl with his spoon, smiled and said "Soooooooo good!" He had the
EXACT SAME THING in his bowl. "I was going to say you should try it, but I see that you already have."