We rented a car that was quickly dubbed "The Boat" because it was so huge, a Chevy Impala. Black, but you could still see the orange and green paint under the scratches from when it was a cab. We left early on Friday and followed Nikki and Charlie there, stopping briefly only once for lunch. Almost as soon as we got to the camp site (after pitching the tents of course,) we went swimming in Cypress lake. It was really wonderful.
There was a light inside the car that none of us could figure out how to turn off which eventually drained the battery. Luckily Nikki had booster cables.
We swam in three different huge bodies of water (except for Ben whom I didn't toss into the Georgian Bay, far too cold for him) There were huge cliffs that people were jumping off of (not us) despite the signage. The cliffs were a bit of a hike along the Bruce trail, but it was nice.
We rented a canoe.
We it was awesome.
We ate very well, and it was very, very relaxing.
The photos are all out of order but I'm too lazy to correct them.

The canoe shots are amazing! Looks like fun!
Oh. Wow. Just. Wow.
Can *I* live in the forest forever too?
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